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For the purpose of stowage of dangerous goods IMDG Code divides the ships into two groups

  1.  cargo ships or passenger ships carrying a number of passengers limited to not more than 25 or to 1 passenger per 3 m of overall length, whichever is the greater number;
  2.  other passenger ships in which the limiting number of passengers transported is exceeded.

Passenger ships are categorized as

“passenger ships carrying a number of passengers limited to not more than 25 or to 1 passenger per 3 m of overall length, whichever is the greater number


“Other passenger ships in which the limiting number of passengers transported is exceeded”

Individual dangerous goods are assigned with stowage categories A, B, C, D, or E in the Dangerous Goods List in IMDG Code and these are specifically assigned for On Deck, Under Deck or whether prohibited on passenger ships.

See stowage categories of IMDG Code here 

Stowage categories A to E are for goods other than Class 1 (Explosives).

For Class 1 explosives there is another set of stowage categories as shown in below images.

Section of IMDG Code describes in full the conditions of stowage of explosives in passenger ships.

Below is quoted from IMDG Code Transport of goods of class 1 on passenger ships For the purpose of stowage in this class, the terms “passenger ship” and “cargo ship” are used as in SOLAS 1974, as amended. Explosives in division 1.4, compatibility group S, may be transported in any amount on passenger ships. No other explosives may be transported on passenger ships except any one of the following:

    1. explosive articles for life-saving purposes listed in the Dangerous Goods List, if  the total net explosives mass of such articles does not exceed 50 kg per ship; or
    2. goods in compatibility groups C, D and E, if the net explosives mass does not  exceed 10 kg per ship; or
    3. articles in compatibility group G other than those requiring special stowage, if the total net explosives mass does not exceed 10 kg per ship; or
    4. articles in compatibility group B, if the total net explosives mass does not exceed 10 kg per ship. Notwithstanding the provisions of, additional quantities or types of goods of class 1 may be transported in passenger ships in which there are special safety measures approved by the competent authority. Articles in compatibility group N shall only be allowed in passenger ships if the total net explosives mass does not exceed 50 kg per ship and no other explosives apart from Division 1.4, compatibility group S, are transported. Goods of class 1 which may be transported in passenger ships are identified in the Dangerous Goods List. They shall be stowed in accordance with the following table:

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